
Mike Tyson’s ‘Punch Out’ (1987)

Brought to you by GotAction Sports Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!!, released in 1987 for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), stands as a defining title in sports and action gaming history. Known for its thrilling gameplay and iconic characters, the game became a cultural touchstone for its ability to combine strategic boxing with a captivating, arcade-style experience. […]

Mike Tyson’s ‘Punch Out’ (1987) Read More »

Boxing: Have you ever wondered how they score the matches? Check it out!

It’s pretty interesting! Check it out: Boxing matches are typically scored by a panel of judges who use a standardized scoring system to determine each round’s winner and the bout’s overall winner. The specific criteria for scoring a boxing match may vary slightly depending on the governing body and the ruleset used. Still, the following

Boxing: Have you ever wondered how they score the matches? Check it out! Read More »